Airflow UI doesn't update new dags

Hi team, I am working with airflow, I add new dags and they are not updating in airflow, this happens even before, please how to solve this.

Thank you

Can you describe how you are running Airflow and how you’re adding new DAGs? New DAGs that are added to the dags folder (usually $AIRFLOW_HOME/dags) will be parsed within a few minutes and either show up as a DAG or an import error.

This is quite confusing for new users, I expected to see new DAGs after manually clicking on the Refresh button (the one next to Auto-refresh toggle)


Could you please confirm the following:

  • how much time new DAG file is taking to appear in the UI ?
  • what is the value of this parameter: AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__DAG_DIR_LIST_INTERVAL . This variable decides how quickly the new files are picked up

Similarly, new changes to existing DAG files are picked up based on AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__MIN_FILE_PROCESS_INTERVAL.

See Airflow Configuration Page for reference.


This amazing video helped me a lot Debugging your Airflow DAGs - Astronomer :pray: