What is registry_conn_id and from where I can get it in case of Azure container Registry?

Hi, My requirement is to run the Azure container Instance in my Azure Instance and run the container Image.
I user the AzureContainerInstanceOperator and the doccumentation from Astronomer for the same.
I created the Airflow connection with the type Azure Container Instance , client Id, Client secret, Tenant Id and subscription Id as given in the doc.
I have also added the parameter values in the DAG task ‘run_container’ like registry_conn_id = registry Id
resource_group=Resource group Name,
name=Container Insance Name,
image=registry login server/image name,
region=Resource group location from Azure

I refreshed the airflow, triggered the DAG. But my DAG is still showing as running. Nothing changed since triggered. I also don’t see any task logs in Airflow.

Please suggest what can be the issue. If I did something wrong?

Hi, After sometime the task ran but failed due to ‘registry_conn_id’ isn’t defined.
Does anyone know, From where i can get the ‘registry_conn_id’ value for Azure container registry?

In Airflow 2.0+ there is more documentation around the connection requirements.

Please refer to the Microsoft Azure provider documentation on Microsoft Azure Container Registry Connection.

Following up on this, what type of connection can we use to connect to Azure Container Registry? Noticed that the Azure Container Registry connection type is missing from the connection type drop box.