Can I install the AWS CLI on Astronomer?

We currently use Heroku and I use a buildpack to install AWS CLI on the machines since we need it for some credentials management. What would be the best way to spin that up on the machines that are running astro?

Yes! The AWS CLI is the equivalent of a Python package. To install, you can:

  • Add awscli directly to your requirements.txt file

Note: If you’re already using boto3 in your image, you might get a dependency compatibility error with once you initialize your project, so make sure to upgrade to the latest version by adding boto3==1.9.115 to that same requirements.txt file. If you’re not already using boto3, no need to add it.

Is this supported on Astronomer cloud as well?

Hi @bgutu! I know you connected with @AndrewHarmon offline, but yes - the AWS CLI is supported in Astronomer Cloud as well as Astronomer Enterprise.

If you have any issues with boto3, you don’t necessarily need it in your image.