Google backport providers

Hi Astronomer Team,

I think I just discovered a problem with Airflow 2.0. I initialized a new project via astro CLI and started it locally. Everything works fine.
As soon as I add apache-airflow-backport-providers-google to the reuquirements.txt, the Docker container does not start anymore.

I’m getting this error on astro dev start
ERROR: flask-appbuilder 2.3.4 has requirement marshmallow<3.0.0,>=2.18.0, but you'll have marshmallow 3.9.1 which is incompatible.
ERROR: apache-airflow 1!1.10.14+astro.1 has requirement importlib-metadata~=2.0; python_version < "3.8", but you'll have importlib-metadata 1.7.0 which is incompatible.

And this inside the Scheduler Log
Waiting for host: postgres 5432
bash: airflow: command not found
bash: airflow: command not found
Waiting for host: postgres 5432
bash: airflow: command not found
bash: airflow: command not found
Waiting for host: postgres 5432
bash: airflow: command not found
bash: airflow: command not found

Am I doing something wrong?


Can you provide your Dockerfile and requirements.txt so I can try replicating the issue?

Hey Alan,

shure. This is all that i put into the files.



Hey John,

With Airflow 2.0, you need to use Providers packages, looks like instead of providers, you are using backport providers, which will install Airflow 1.10.x.

So instead of apache-airflow-backport-providers-google add the following to your requirements.txt:

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