Astronomer AWS long running lambda

Currently I am an experiencing a technical issue with Airflow on Astronomer.

Im trying to run inside a PyhtonVirtualenvOperator (I have also tried PythonOperator) a function that triggers an aws lambda that runs around 15 minutes

dag_name:str = "long"
with DAG(dag_name, default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=timedelta(1), max_active_runs=3) as dag:
        LAMBDA:str = "long-running"
        PAYLOAD = {}
        init = PythonVirtualenvOperator(task_id=f"long-running-lambda",requirements=["boto3==1.12.20",
"urllib3==1.25.8"],python_version=3.7,system_site_packages=False,python_callable=execute_lambda, op_kwargs={
                                  "function_name": LAMBDA, "payload": PAYLOAD})

The callback looks like this:

def execute_lambda(function_name: str, payload):
    from botocore.config import Config
    import botocore    
    import boto3


    #from airflow.models import Variable
    import os
    import json 
    import logging

    lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda',aws_access_key_id='AWS_ACCESS_KEY',aws_secret_access_key="AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",region_name="eu-west-1",config=Config(read_timeout=900,connect_timeout=900,retries={'max_attempts':0}))
    payload_str: str = json.dumps(payload)
    res = lambda_client.invoke(
    print("Finished job") 

After 5 minutes this will return with error: botocore.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: Connection was closed before we received a valid response from endpoint URL: ā€œā€.\nā€™

When I tried this exact same thing with locally running airflow without docker and astronomer this operator is able to finish successfully.


Andres Namm