Does Astronomer support Python 2?

If you’re running Astronomer v0.7.5, we do have a Python 2 image that you can use.

  1. Replace our default image with add the following in your Dockerfile:
    FROM astronomerio/ap-airflow-python2:0.7.5-1.9.0-onbuild

  2. Rebuild the image

  • Run astro airflow stop and astro airflow start

Note: You don’t have to rebuild the image to commit code changes to your dag files, for example, but you do have to have to anytime you make changes to requirements.txt, packages.txt, or your Dockerfile).

Important Note: While Astronomer currently supports Python 2, we’d recommend migrating to Python 3 as soon as possible, as the Airflow community just voted to approve dropping python 2 support with the Airflow 2.0 release.