Does Astronomer support Python 3.7?

As of today, Astronomer’s default docker images use Python 3.6.6. We’re looking to support Python 3.7 in upcoming releases, so stay peeled.

Python 3.7 isn’t (yet) supported by Airflow itself (1.10.3), but we do know that all of the core code supports it. You’re free to try it out, with the caveat that you might hit some bugs or errors with one-off hooks and operators that aren’t super common.

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Hi @paola

I am evaluating astronomer for my company.

We use python 3.7 in our current implementation. When you say “you’re free to try it out”… Can you give more details as to how we could do that?

Like would you say, take the docker file here and change it to alpine 3.10?

If we do this type of thing – using this dockerfile, instead of just referencing the base image that it defines – how risky is that? E.g. I am imagining that maybe you could make a change on the platform, that requires a change in the docker image structure, and then if we’re still using this file, then maybe it no longer works.

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