Stream logs in CLI on Astronomer (not Enterprise)

is it possible to stream logs with the CLI on Astronomer (not Enterprise)? I tried and always get this error:

Error: You do not have the appropriate permissions for that: Your token has expired. Please log in again.

I am logged in and can deploy…

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Hi @Jonnyblacklabel - hm, that shouldn’t be right. Can you send over:

  • The executor you are using
  • The terminal output from you running the command?


Hi @virajparekh,
i’m using celery. When i login with the cli i also get this error:
“Failed to authenticate to the registry, this can occur when registry is offline. Until authenticated you will not be able to push new images to your Airflow clusters”
But i dont have any problems deploying code. :man_shrugging:

Astro CLI Version: 0.13.0
Command: astro logs scheduler xxx-xxx-xxx

Error: You do not have the appropriate permissions for that: Your token has expired. Please log in again.
astro logs scheduler [flags]

scheduler, sch, s

-f, --follow Subscribe to watch more logs
-h, --help Help for scheduler
-s, --search string Search term inside logs
-t, --since duration Only return logs newer than a relative duration like 5m, 1h, or 24h

Hi @Jonnyblacklabel - that first part is due to a CLI version issue; try running astro upgrade

Can you try formatting the command like this:

astro deployment logs scheduler ckapkyn0s00940j10h5492ue3 -f

Hi @virajparekh - i’m afraid i still get the same result. I ran astro upgrade, but still get the same login error.

If i run your command i also get the same kind of result.

astro deployment logs scheduler [Deployment-ID] -f
Waiting for logs…
^C2020/05/28 16:19:32 Bye bye …
Your token has expired. Please log in again.

What does astro version output?

:frowning: Can you file a support ticket for this? Someone should be able to look into it.