Apple silicon (M1) tutorial?

Can you guys provide a tutorial for getting Astronomer to work on M1 machines? We have tried several combinations of configurations within Docker and have not been successful.
Some of the things we’ve tried are:

  • Setting webserver proxy to
  • Turning off “Use new virtualization framework” within experimental features
  • The following settings on Docker Engine:
    “experimental”: false,
    “features”: {
    “buildkit”: false
    Our docker version is “Docker Desktop 3.3.1 (63152)” or “Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88” for Apple silicon.

Also, it looks like the only version of Astronomer that we can attempt to install on M1 machines is v0.23.4 even though we see you have released up to v0.23.13.

We have not been able to not get astro dev start to run without an error. I feel like more and more people are switching to the M1 chips and a tutorial from Astronomer on how to get your software to run on these machines will be very helpful. If it’s not possible, a clear statement saying it isn’t possible will save people a lot of time.


Hi @antuan! Thanks for reaching out, and sorry to hear you’re having trouble getting Astronomer to run on an Apple M1 machine. A few things:

  • For getting $ astro dev start to run locally, have you checked out this forum post? It’s a documented issue that we ran into with pyarrow and apache-airflow-providers-google for Airflow 2.0 images on an Apple M1. It may help.
  • When you refer to “Astronomer”, do you mean the Astronomer CLI, or the Astronomer Enterprise Platform? Can you provide more insight into what’s failing and where you’re seeing challenges?
  • Similarly, are you referring to v0.23.4 of the Astronomer CLI? You can refer latest Astro CLI releases here.

We don’t have dedicated documentation on Apple M1 support (yet), but we did see Docker’s official support announcement and plan on sharing additional Astronomer-specific resources as soon as we’re able. For now, let me know on the above and we’ll do our best to get you up and running.

Thank you for your patience, and hope you’re otherwise enjoying your new computer!

Note: If you’re an Enterprise customer, I’d recommend that you reach out to Astronomer Support for dedicated help. Once we identify and resolve a problem, we can post it back here.