I was trying to deploy my custom image and I’d like to ask some questions:
as suggested my dockerfile contained FROM custom-ap-airflow and Dockerfile.build contains FROM astronomerinc/ap-airflow:1.10.10-buster-onbuild and some other stuff (building libpostal)
WARNING! You are using an invalid image name 'custom-ap-airflow' in your Dockerfile,
please use astronomerinc/ap-airflow. Are you sure you want to continue?
(y/n) y
WARNING! You are about to push an image using the 'latest' tag. This is not recommended.
Please use one of the following tags: 1.10.7-alpine3.10-onbuild, 1.10.6-alpine3.10-onbuild, 1.10.5-alpine3.10-onbuild.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) y
Is this the right way to proceed?
Image is pushed and I run into 413 Request Entity Too Large
So my second question is: what is the max size for your docker repository?
Hey @Captain_Pete (great name by the way ) - presumably you’re following the instructions that @paola laid out here, correct?
The CLI is throwing those warnings because it doesn’t like when folks pull the latest image tag- being on the bleeding edge exposes some inherent risk . What error are you seeing when you just use custom-ap-airflow?
Let’s start there and I’ll work on tracking down any size limitations we have set on our registry.
what I’m trying to achieve is to get libpostal working in my DAG.
My Dockerfile.build is:
FROM pelias/libpostal_baseimage as libpostal-build
FROM astronomerinc/ap-airflow:1.10.10-buster-onbuild
LABEL io.astronomer.docker=true
LABEL io.astronomer.docker.build.number=$BUILD_NUMBER
LABEL io.astronomer.docker.airflow.onbuild=true
COPY --from=libpostal-build /usr/local/lib/libpostal.so /usr/lib/libpostal.so
COPY --from=libpostal-build /usr/local/lib/libpostal.so.1 /usr/lib/libpostal.so.1
COPY --from=libpostal-build /usr/local/include/libpostal /usr/include/libpostal
COPY --from=libpostal-build /usr/share/libpostal /usr/share/libpostal
RUN pip install -q --user --no-cache-dir postal
RUN install --directory --owner "astro" "/usr/local/airflow" \
&& install --directory --owner="astro" "/usr/local/airflow/neo_database/neo_csv" \
&& install --directory --owner="astro" "/usr/local/airflow/neo_database/db"
I am aware that libpostal is huge (requires 2GB of data), but I was checking your limits.
Mentioned error is panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 as mentioned line tries to split on : and get second element as tag - this is why
I changed FROM custom-ap-airflow to FROM custom-ap-airflow:latest (but ofc I can rename to any tag - if your warning only reacts to tag=='latest', no problem here